In the past, Vietnam cinema has witnessed its golden age in early of 1990s when people had to get into long queue-up line to get the ticket for their favourite films. At that time, there was actually an idolization wave in their fans. People considered actors and actresses as stars in their hearts. Posters of them were sticked numerously on the wall. Their faces appeared massively on newspaper and their personal information was a hot and juicy news for readers.
However, things totally changed in late 1995. The glamour just suddenly disappeared like it never existed. After that, all cinemas just fell into a long sleep like as fairy tales.
In 2003, GAI NHAY made a big boom which helped Vietnam movies turning to another page. Following its buzz, a chain of made-in Vietnam movies hit the cinema in last few years which drew audiences back to cinema.
Capturing that demand, many investors have pumped their money into building cinema complex in which Galaxy is a pioneer for example. It has set up a new way of movie entertainment : high-quality cinema with air conditioner, surrounding-sound system and modern accommodation with better and professional service. Megastar is a fresh player but it has made its identity to audience with many cinema complexes across Vietnam and its service.
In Vietnam, Tet is a hot season for movies. Nu Hon Than Chet was a blockbuster in Tet 2008.
Today we will discuss more about Vietnamese movie and cinema. We would like to hear your ideas of it.
1/ Have you recently gone to the cinema? If yes, what cinema? And what movie?
2/ What do you think of that movie?
3/ How about the service and infrastructure of that cinema?
Is there any difference between now and in the past?
4/ What do you think about the price of drink in cinema?
5/ What do you think of ticket price? Is it high for you?
6/ Do you think who usually go to the cinema? Why?
7/ Some people say they would rent/buy a DVD and watch movie at home. It is cheap and you can watch movie as soon as it is shown in US. What do you think of it?
8/ Did you watch Tet movies in cinema in 2008? What movies?
9/ Which one did you like best? Tell us why?
10/ Did you have any difficulty for booking the ticket?