Friday, October 12, 2007


Do you sometimes ask yourseft why you don’t feel happy, or happiness does not stay long with you ?
You get aggravated with your colleague who neglect thei works, but still get higher salary than you – a person who works responsily - just because he/she has close relationship to the boss? Just thinking about him/her, you get angry
You yell at your little brother for accidentally pill the Coca on your favourite shirt, you and he don’t talk each other for a week
You feel that life is hard. There are a ton of little things all around waiting to bug you. You don’t feel happy. You may get happy when you sing Karaoke with your friends, or take part in a birthday party. You may get excited getting to know you have passed a big test. But those precious moments will ultimately pass. You feel that happiness is uncertain. You want to be happy, but HOW?
Life is too short not to enjoy every single day ! [Joel Osteen]
So, do you think that you can choose to be happy ? Pls voice your ideas !

Aggravated (adj): buc minh, kho chiu
Colleague (n): dong nghiep
Neglect (adj): tho o
Yell (v): la mang
Bug (v): lam kho chiu
Ultimately (adv): cuoi cung
Uncertain (adj): khong chac chan

How to Be Happy
Everyone just wants to be happy. That's why people go on diets, spend too much money for clothes, or suck up to popular people - because they think it will make them happy! Happiness can be a "comfortable-good" or an "excited-good" or a "chilled-out-good" because it has many flavours and faces, depending on whom you are with, or what you are doing. However, if you get to know all different people, you will see what makes the happiest people happy.Steps

1. Change your thought process.
If you catch yourself thinking that things aren't going to work out, then think again. Remember that most things work out better than you fear - so imagine that your fears are ungrounded and that success is ahead. Rather than thinking of the problems and getting desperate, imagine the best outcome and then work out what you need to do to make that happen. Follow your "inner guidance system." If the thoughts you are thinking are not giving you a good feeling, then think about something else that will make you feel good in that moment. Monitor your thoughts consistently throughout the day. Sometimes this may not be as easy as you think if you are stuck in a "negative" train of thought and your brain chemicals are getting fired up and forming an "anxiety or anger" pathway. Anxiety, fear and anger patterns can be interrupted by focusing on doing a math problem, counting backwards, counting in odd numbers, doing a sudoku puzzle, etc. - this will dissipate the rush of chemicals that are making you feel bad. Immediately then go back to picturing

2. scenes/remembering things/imagining, planning stuff that makes you feel GOOD.

3. See the world for what it really is.
You have friends and family that love you. Learn How to be thankful. Think of all the things you have to be happy about. Relax, calm down, take things slower. No one has everything, and everyone has something of sorrow intermingled with gladness of life. The trick is to make the laughter outweigh the tears. We cannot change the past, but we can enjoy today, and look to the future. But if we are prepared to take credit for the past and accept that everything that happened in our life, good and bad, has made us the person we are - the battle is half won.

4. Lighten up. Don't take yourself too seriously.
Stress can cause many mental, physical, and spiritual problems in your life. One of the major causes of stress is worrying about things that are out of your control. Learn to recognize these things and if you can truly do nothing about them, then just let them go. Take time to laugh at yourself and the situations you find yourself in. Laughter is a powerful, positive medicine and the calmer and more peaceful you can take things, the happier your life will be.

5. Be yourself. You can't please everybody. Don't let criticism worry you. Don’t compare yourself to other people – at work or in your personal life. In the first place, no one knows what other people are going through. More importantly, when you compare yourself to other people, you always tend to see yourself on the "short end". So this is never a good or helpful thing for you to do. One way to get in touch with yourself is through journaling. The goal is to open up completely to yourself and learn to be your best friend by knowing that the truth (to yourself) will set you free from fear! Practice self-acceptance no matter what. Never do something you're not comfortable with. You'll respect yourself for sticking to your guns, and that self-respect will make you happy.

6. Make a scheduled time every day for relaxation.
This is a good time to go over any therapy that you’re working on. Having a "relaxation" time or a "quiet time" every day strengthens you, allows the stress and tension in your life to evaporate, and keeps you more on a positive, even keel.

Learning Corner
joke (noun): something said to make somebody laugh; a trick played on somebody for fun
to joke (verb): to make jokes; to be not serious

PHRASES to tell a joke to tell someone a funny story to be no joke to be a difficult or serious matter to be beyond a joke to be worrying

OTHER WORDS jokey (also joky) adjective jokily adverb jokiness noun joking adjective jokingly adverb

Please be happy with event below on 28 Oct 07

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