Saturday, April 12, 2008

Prices Storm - How To Deal With That?

Many things have changed drastically when global oil price keeps soaring up. It now has hit a record high up to 115$/ barrel. The steepy increase of oil price has led to price increase for everything. That means you have to pay more for every stuff that you buy. Unfortunately, your salary increase didn’t catch up with it. If you want to save money as you did, you need to cut down other unnecessary spendings.
Many newspapers had some articles of this impact on daily life. According to them, workers in industrial zone are among ones who bear the most impacted of it. From their research, most of worker’s meals now are just vegetables and tofu and eggs. Meat has disappeared and became something expensive to them.

That is sad but true. Some dating couples do find it difficult as well. Some decided to go out less than usual. Or they will explore a new coffee shop with cheaper price. That also means less time for movie.

How about you? Pls share with us


- Drastically (avd) sau sac, manh me
- Soar up (v) bay vut len.
- Steepy (adj) dốc
- Lead –led –led (v): dẫn đdến
- Stuff (n) : những vật dụng
- Catch up (v) : bắt kịp
- Article (n) : baøi baùo
- Bear (v): gaùnh chiu(
- Impacted (adj) : aûnh höôûng
- to spend less : tieu xai it lai
- to cut unnecessary spending: cat giam chi tieu khong can thiet
- Tofu : ñaäu huû
- To switch to buy something cheaper : chuyeån sang mua nhöõng thöù reû hôn
- To hunt sale-off stuff : ñi saên haøng giaûm giaù
- To work extra time : laøm theâm giôø
- To less hang out with friend : ít ñi chôi vôùi baïn beø

1- How does it affect to your life up to now ?
a. Do you have less for breakfast?
b. Do you have quit any habbit that you love?
c. Do you think what you spend more?
2- Tell us some of your story about the effective of prices ? what do you mean?
3- Due to price increase, do we have to re-consider about our income and payment ? Does love also comercialize ? How does a dating couple face with this case and make their love maintain romantic ?
4- If your income is lower than 100 USD/month (1.5 milllion VND/month), how can you face with this situation ?
a. Do you think you can live with that amount of money? Why?
b. Do you think you should extra job?
c. Do you think what spending you would cut to fit your salary?
d. How much do you think your salary should be to have an acceptable life now?

I myself, for example, the composer of this topic also face with this case. I choose to write topic and get 40.000 VND, a very big profit! Why don’t you get some extra money like me ?
5- Please share with us some sell off adress in other to save money for some emergency situation (looking for some high quanlity but cheap product or common needed)


Do you think that you can please all people around you? Are you sure that you never made any mistake that hurt others or never regret yourself? If you answer “Yes”, you are not human beings!
Each of us has a lot of relations and we have to keep them well in daily life. This depends on your skills and how you value the importance and effects of good relationship. No one is perfect so we sometimes have mistakes (innocently) which hurt others and hurt yourself alike. Everything seems be too serious and terrible if sometimes we do not forgive. Forgiveness can help us improve ourselves. After being forgiven, we think of what wrong we did and try to do the better things or avoid the same bad ones so we feel comfortable and motivated to make this life became easily and peacefully. When we forgive others, we have peace in mind because we have just given them chances to make a new start.
This is easy to say but so hard to do. It’s up to the situation and the way people think about it.

There was a couple, they loved each other and they got married. When their daughter was one year old, the father left. He went to America, had another family and forgot his ex-wife and daughter. The mother kept the sorrow inside and had to work very hard to bring up her kid. Eighteen year later he came back Vietnam and found his child. He really wanted to help her to study oversea, in America but the young girl did not want to leave her mom. She said she hated him a lot because of his fault to her mother but her mom encouraged her to go to have a bright future.
In your opinion should the young girl forgive her father to go to study oversea? Why?
If the girl decides to go, does she forgive the father or not?

- To make mistake (v): phaïm sai laàm
- To forgive someone for something (v) : tha thöù ai ñoù vì chuyeän gì
- To feel ease at mind : thaáy thoaûi maùi
- To overcome (v): vöôït qua
- To hurt someone (v) : laøm toån thöông ai ñoù
- To feel guilty (v): thaáy coù loãi
- To make it up for someone : buø ñaép cho ai ñoù
- To regret (v): thaáy hoái tieác
- To depend on something (v): phuï thuoäc vaøo caùi gì ñoù.
- Serious (adj) : traàm troïng
- To improve (v): caûi thieän
- Motivated (adj): ñöôïc thuùc nay
- Peacefully (adv): thoaûi maùi, yeân bình

Have you ever done something that made you can not forgive yourself? What was it?
Has someone had any mistake that hurt you and you can not forgive them? Tell us about this please?
Is it easy to forgive other’s mistakes?
Does forgiveness make you feel ease? Why?
Is forgiveness better than keeping inside?
Who always forgive you?
Do you often say sorry to your parents when you make mistake to them?
Is forgiving others easier than forgiving yourself? Why?
If your sweetheart has a love out of marriage, will you forgive him/her? J